Thursday 20 June 2024

Cranetortoise HM-1 Distortion

 Schematic is avaiable HERE.


1 comment:

  1. Holy moses, I think this pedal might be named after a song by my friends' old band: 蛇鉄, "hebitetsu", "snake iron". The band, Z (i.e. "zed"), was active from about 2005-2013. 蛇鉄 is not a common phrase in Japanese, and the guitarist was a well-known gear-head, with one of the loudest, most robust rigs this side of Matt Pike. So it wouldn't surprise me that someone would name a distortion pedal after a tune of theirs.

    They were called Z (i.e. "zed"), active from 2005-2013. Here's the song:
