Monday 8 March 2021

Dunwich Amplification Hybrid Cthulhu - 3 knob version

 Another Dunwich trace by evilarsen, AlexS and fuzzhead.

I believe this one was made on custom order and/or was a on/off product. However, compoent values varied over time but we added some notes at the bottom of the layout and schematic for the most significant changes that is worth experimenting with:

Input capacitors connecting to the input cap blend control (Depth) varied quite a bit. I ended up with a 15nF for C2 and an 1uF for C1 with a 100kC Depth control. 

The other thing is one of the clipping diodes at Q4. Most units had a germanium diode but a few had a silicon transistor in TO-18 casing wired as a diode. Both layouts bellow have slots for both components but remember to use one of them, NOT both.

Two layouts, one normal and one with 1.5W carbon comp resistors. Both is verified.