Thursday 20 June 2024

Animals Pedal Diamond Peak Overdrive

 Schematic is avaiable HERE



  1. Just wanted to check before I build this: 2N5172 pinout is B-C-E, so is the layout correct, or will I have to twist the legs to match?

  2. Also: Noticed on the Schematic you linked that Q1 was a 2N5210, and Q2-3 were listed as the 2N5172. I could swap the 5172s for BC337-25s if the pinout is correct (CBE).

    1. Given that the circuit topology is pretty tried-and-true, and so not finnicky about transistor specs, I wouldn't get hung up on the specific kind of transistor. Just try a bunch of low gain CBE-pinout transistors and see what you like. The folks on pedalpcb board were getting good results with 2n2221s and 2n3903s.

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    3. I ended up trying some BC550Bs in it, and I really like the character and sound. Going to build another and use sockets to try some different low gainers in Q2/3 and see how it compares.

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