Sunday 2 April 2023

Guyatone SD2 Sustainer / HD2 Harmonic Distortion

 mellasse sent me a schematic for an old Guytatone fuzz, Guyatone DS2 Sustainer. Looking at the schematic I noticed it was really similar to another Guyatone offering, HD Harmonic Distortion. The main difference is the tonestack, HD2 is scooped and SD2 is more mid focused. So this layout have a switch for both SD2 and HD2 modes. Some additional mods had to be made for more versitalty. The fixed tonestack with two 47k resistors is replaced with a 100k.potentiometer that pans bettwen a low pass and high pass filter...just like in a big muff.


  1. Nice! I have the SD2 and considered buying the Harmonic loads of times, only been put off by it being about £80. The hot magenta finish might have been a factor but now you clued me in I can just make my own one ;) The Big Muff tone control seems a good idea, I found the Sustainer despite all its mids somehow still didn't cut in rehearsals

  2. Interesting! Very vintage in times!
