Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Death by Audio Octave Clang


  1. Hey !
    Thanks for the layout, I've tried that and doesn't worked...Do you have a idea for an Output ? Vol.3 doesn't work :/

    take care

    1. The Tagboardeffects layout shows Vol 3 as the effect out. It also looks like Gain 1 and 2 should be swapped.

    2. Hey there!
      I build the effect from this layout. Where it says "Volume 2" on the image, it should've been labelled "Volume 3". Vol 2 is your fx output which is in turn wired to the foot switch.
      I'm commenting for everyone who will look at this layout and wonder if it actually works. It does. I also added a switch for the octave (since the recently released Octave Clang v2 has one) following the suggestion at the bottom of this page. It works fine.

    3. P.S.: Gain 1 and 2 are labelled correctly. I wired it as is and it works fine - clockwise, as you'd expect.

    4. The volume output from leg 3 of the Level pot is something that Death By Audio does quite a bit. It's not "wrong" per se, just less common.

      One of the factors that makes so many of their circuits unique is that Oliver Ackerman started off basically not knowing what he was doing, and coming up with crazy stuff that no electrical engineering class would ever teach.

  2. Reckon a 42TL002 will do? 42TM002 sold out everywhere at the moment

  3. Same thing, just a different size I think. I've used a 42TL019 before and it sounded pretty much the same
