Sunday 11 June 2023

Devi Ever Destructo Noctavia



  1. the pot connection at C16 should be Vol 3. getting some weird behavior out of this one. do you happen to have a schematic handy? :)

    1. nm, found one on Moonn's site ( in case anyone else is looking). haven't had any luck troubleshooting but I'll probably give it another go this evening.

  2. You can tag this one, but mind the 2N2222A pinout. All my TO-92 2N2222A's measure EBC, and the layout has the pinout correct, but if you go by _shape_ and not pinout, you might get it backwards. It doesn't matter so much for Q2 since Devi has wired it like a diode (emitter unconnected), but it has to be correct for Q4. Devi typically uses TO-18 cans for their 2N2222A's, so pay attention if you have a pile of those.

    Don't forget that the top "Volume 1" is actually "Volume 3", like brain mentioned.

    Three MPSA18's, each with gain of around 680, is a LOT. It's just transistor abuse; it should be called Little Miss Bias.

    1. Thanks for verifying. The layout is updatedd with the correct labeling for the volume control. And yes, the layout refelcts the pinout for metal can 2N2222As so I added a note about that.

