Monday 11 July 2022

Zvex Jonny Octave

 Schematic is avaiable HERE.


  1. I would love to build this but I cant find any 42TL002 transformers anywhere here in the US.. :-(

  2. It looks like Small Bear Electronics has on for about two bucks.

  3. Sorry, I got the part number wrong. But you may have luck with the 42TL022 that is available. The two have similar specs I believe. There are lots of good octave generators that don't require such premium parts though. I'm partial to the Seppuku Space Fuzz personally. And for a down octave maybe an MXR Blue Box would work. Just put them both in the same enclosure. "Sizzor Octave". The Dwarfcraft Devices Robot Devil is pretty rad too. Two octaves and lotsa' craziness. Hope this helps.

  4. 42TL019 works just the same
