Saturday, 13 July 2019

Seymour Duncan Tweak Fuzz



  1. I think the fuzz pot should be 2k on this circuit. This has been verified by an owner of the original unit.

  2. I can say the core of this works perfect. I modified the layout to avoid the rotary switch. Mine is 12x11, essentially everything from row 7 to 16 was left the same. Everything dealing with the rotary switch before it was removed. Instead I used an on/on switch and chose my two favorite input cap sounds. So, kind of verified? lol

    1. Also a teardown video on this circuit shows Gain is C2k. I used C1k and it works fine.

    2. Thanks Samz! Glad I revisited this page to see your update. Seems the main gripe people had about the Tweek fuzz was low output, the mod was to replace the 470 ohms resistor with a 1k and reduce the 8.2k one to maintain the bias voltage at Q2. I wouldn't have thought a 1k fuzz pot would get you the best bias at Q2 in this circuit. Seeing as in most fuzz pedals the first half of the fuzz pots rotation is useless, a 1k pot in series with a fixed 1k resistor would get the correct value hear and the useful range of the pot would be extended (like in a vox tonebender).
