Thursday, 29 February 2024

Dead Air Face Disaster

 Phew, February has been a wild month here on the blog so lets end it with a BANG. This one is based on Tim Escobedo's DIY classic, Ugly Face with quite a few added bells and whistles such as a optical LFO section, separate starve control for two of the chips and some tweaked values here and there.

Schematic is avaiable HERE.


  1. Awesome! February was indeed wild! thank you for so many great layouts! so many things to build that i don't know where to start...!

  2. Over 1,500 layouts and well over 1,000 verified - thats pretty damn good Anders!!!

  3. A wild oscillating beast of a fuzz!!!

  4. can i request the ADHD Synth Fuzz? (nutty fuzz) sound crazy! many thanks!

    1. i started by fun making a layout for the adhd synth fuzz... an absolute first for me. for some reason i couldn't make it work but i can't find any mistake (probably there are many!). i'm just confused by those two parallel caps to ground (why not a 330?) and that "mute" sign one can find on the schem... (nutty fuzz at pedalpcb).
      here is my layout. Anders, feel free to post if it's any decent and corrected!

    2. Nice looking layout you have there!
      Thank you for the offer to contribute to the blog. Much appreciated. But I finished a layout for the ADHD a few weeks ago. Never got around to upload it...

    3. thanks! somehow i didn't manage to make it work. i'll try yours and then look for my mistakes;)

  5. I remember building this with an NJM386D/JRC386D when I first came across it at Tim’s original Folk Urban site many moons ago. Seemed to have less noise than the National LM386-3?

  6. Built this one or two months ago. The oscillation works, but I don't get any guitar sounds out of it. Maybe somebody has an Idea why that is the case. Thanks alot for any kind of input. :)
