Saturday, 5 August 2023

Smallsound / Bigsound No Memory Delay

 Schematic is avaiable HERE.


  1. Amazing, thank you!
    Which parameter does the expression input is used for?

  2. Building now, but the names of the diodes are all janky and misnumbered, just so you know

  3. also maybe im missing it but i dont see a ground?

    1. N1 Should do fine for your ground connection

  4. Diode lables and Ground connection fixed.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Built this today but getting some strange results. It can get very noisy but reading the build notes, 'its part of the charm'.
    My IC1 &IC2 voltages seem odd - 0V from IC2 pin 5 (does this sound right?).
    It does have delay and modulation but I don't think its quite there yet. Will keep checking!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I'm finally getting somewhere with this:
    1) Don't sub 8v2 zeners with anything (like I did)
    2) The 100K resistor above IC1 is currently going to ground, it needs to connect to the 10r resistor (+9v)
    Modulation mode now sounds very cool but normal mode is still very quiet. Noise has reduced significantly since using 8v2 zeners.

    1. The bottom leg of the 10k at column 14 needs to be moved up one row.

  9. Oh Anders, you beauty - that 10K just fixed the non modulation issue. You can verify this now. Just a couple of changes:
    1) There are 59 cuts
    2) 100K above IC1 needs to connect to 9v
    3) The 1K resistor in row 9 is 1r in the schematic. I didnt notice any difference when I changed it tho.

    1. Ian, YOU are a beauty. Great work. I will fix the layout ASAP.

    2. The layout is now updated and tagged.

  10. Ijust build this yesterday, and it worked but not quite through, and comparing it with the schematics there was a slight error, the 2,2M resistor should be conected between lug 6 and 7 in the IC2 (just swaped 14M conection to 13F, on top of the link) and now everything works like the videos. Maybe just add a sidenote because i was thinking of a way to place it without going on top of the link transversally and it was quite the work to redraw all that part UwU
    thank you very much for all the work youre doing here!!

  11. following up with the previous message, there's another slight error, X18 cut shouldnt be there, dry and wet 1 and all the components in row X should be connected to ground. with that it does work perfectly

    1. Well spotted, it has reduced some noise I had on mine :)

  12. I did the fixes suggested by Erubi and can confirm that it does infact work perfectly.

  13. Started this tonight and totally forgot the above adjustments. DOH! The link can be moved under IC2 for a neater solution.

  14. Is the BC560B crucial in this or could I use a similar PNP like the 2N3906?

  15. Don't know if anyone will read this... but this was my first attempt at something more complicated than the drive pedals i've done as a beginner. Having some trouble - There's signal when the effect is on, but no delay/mod, just a 'beefed up' sound. The yellow LED (D1) isn't lighting up either. I've checked bridges and components, and have followed the fixes suggested by above posters..
    I used a 100nf instead of a 220nf and a 27k instead of 33k as my only subs as i didn't have any on hand. I'm also confused about the exp jack wiring (What does "Exp Jack" at row T relate to? Tip?).
