Friday, 28 July 2023

Frost Giant Electronics Massif

 Per request. Another Meathead variant with some minor tweaks compared to the original. But it is added to the library for science (and another excuse to build another one knob fuzz😏).


  1. Hola ,hecho y funcionando ,también probado con un pot fuera de placa ... Tío gracias por tu trabajo ,espero que estés bien .

  2. this thing rips!! thanks a ton.

  3. This one is a cracker!! May try the famine version next. Thanks a lot for the layout.

  4. Replies
    1. Hello, so could anyone suggest a typical value to start from in order to adjust the trimmer? Thanks!

    2. The trimmer controls the gain, so whatever sounds good to you is good?

  5. In the interest of making sure that everyone here knows all of the batsh*t stuff I do, I just built this up and combined it one box with a pedalpcb Organizer clone. In order to play through this with my Bass VI, I increased the input and output caps to 470nF in and 220nF out, and put the Massif on it's own switch, after the Organizer. Now I get screaming ebow-style INFINITE sustain whenever I have them both on. Also, it sounds great by itself and increasing the cap values allowed more low end into the signal.

  6. Thanks. I slapped this together this morning. I used 56pf instead of 47pf cause thats what I had. Used BC548C instead of BC548B cause thats what I had. Ive made a bunch of fuzz pedals. Mostly i strip them out because they are no what Im looking for. I cased this one, its a keeper. Cheers
