Monday 30 January 2023

Fuzzlord Effects Troglodyte


A recovery stage is needed because of the lossy tonestack
Here is an another layout with an added BJT boost stage.



  1. Looks interesting- I will build it! But: 2 Tone pots? Volume 1 to ground? Are there any hints on what hfe-range to aim for? And a question to those who know this Fuzz: Is it necessary/useful to opt for a recovery-boost-stage after the tone-stack?

    1. Layout is updated.

      I don't know the fhe range in the real units. But the 2N1711s in my stash reads between 150-175 so the gain is pretty low. The BC10x with B suffixes varies a bit but Hfe 300 seem to be a middle of the road number.

    2. Oh, yes, a recovery stage is a good suggestion since the tonestack is quite lossy. Original units weren't excactly known for their high output volume...

      You can also increase the 1k resistor between 9v and the trimpot for more output. Start with 2,2k...

    3. Thanks a lot, as always - great work!

  2. Verified! Built with 2n1711 and BC109b.

    C2: 47pf let in way too much high end fizz/crackle, I'd say start with 100p-220p. There is still a fair amount of high frequency hiss with these caps (hopefully that can be helped with casing in an enclosure).

    The 10nf input cap setting is very thin with single coils but has a neat cocked wah type sound with humbuckers. I may end up trying out a 47nf or 100nf in that spot.

    This circuit could definitely benefit from a recovery stage boost. I may try to swap out the 1k resistor for 2.2k+.

    1. Thanks for verifying the layout and the build report.

      I guess I can whip up a layout withan onbard big muff recovery stage...

  3. Built it, and I´m not too impressed. The layout works but it lacks volume (as already mentioned), definition and a `somehow beautiful` sound. Your Dronestortion is way better, Anders.

  4. Added a layout with a recovery stage...

  5. I built the 2nd/updated version (with recovery stage). I haven't boxed it (yet) but have tested it and it sounds pretty good to my ears. I'll test it more after I get it in an enclosure but really appreciate the posting! Thanks, fuzzhead!

  6. Any chance you could post the schematic please? Thanks!
