Tuesday 26 October 2021

Schumann F Loop

 Here is a an old, rare and weird one traced by Deadend Fx.

It is a feedback looper that includes both modulation and an active filter sections. If you you don't like the hassle with the offboard wiring this layout requires, Deadend Fx has nifty PCBs for sale.

Schematic and more info HERE.



  1. Excellent! It'll take me a second to get to, but I'm very much looking forward to building this! Thanks!

  2. Parts on the way. And DeadEndFx is out of stock of the Tatiana PCBs - so I WILL build this. I give you my WORD!!! Hah!!!

  3. Thanks!! Been wanting to build this with a DFX pcb, but now there's a layout here... (I'll buy the Pompeii from them at some point)

  4. There's at least 1 mistake - the rightmost cut on row L (where the anode of the 2.2uf) is going shouldn't be there

    Haven't compared it fully to the schem yet so there might be more.

    1. Thanks for spotting that. The cut is now removed.

  5. Also a cut missing between the 150k and link from the -ve rail on the bottom row. I've built and I think those are the only 2 errors but gonna have another check against the schem before powering up.

  6. Hey Bob! Thanks for the edits to this! I'm going to try and build this up too, along with your suggested cut between the link and the 150k resistor!

  7. Built it up without the expression/swell jack. And boy, does it work. I don't want to take credit for verifying this because of that, but also, because I'm fairly certain it wouldn't have worked without Bob's edits. Either way... what a flamethrower of an effect! Thanks for laying this one out, Anders!!!

  8. With the couple of edits I've mentioned above I've now verified this too (minus the swell jack). Could do with a latching switch too for full on noise experimentalism but that's simple enough to add. Great work!

  9. I was kind of thinking the same thing with the latching DPDT. I ended up adding the jack, I just need to dig out my EXP pedal and try it out!

    1. Great job guys!

      The missing cut is added and the layout is tagged as VERIFIED!

  10. I've added a simple mod to mine by wiring the momentary switch through a latching DPDT wired in a cross so that it switches +ve and gnd between the poles. This way you can latch it on and use the momentary as an interrupt.

  11. Any suggestions for a good LED / LDR combo (close to VTL5C3 specs)? Cheers

    1. I bought 5 VTL5C3 off Ebay for $5.55 GBP. Guess that's not what you're after though...
