Yesterday I built this project, and I was able to realize that it has a small error in the lower left corner, because as the layout is, a delay is generated in the chorus signal. Based on the original schematic: I moved the 2K resistor pin that goes to S,3. I connected it to ground in T,3 and installed a jumper from P,1 to S,3 and it worked perfectly.
I'm not sure if the drawing has been updated since the above comments were left back in 2022, but I am looking at a couple different schematics of this and they all seem to corroborate this drawing, as far as the 2k resistor is concerned. It is supposed to go from pin 6 of the PT2399 to ground, which it does. I've built this as drawn and it definitely sounds like a chorus.
Just built up another one of these and can re-confirm that it works as drawn here. If you want it crisp, clean, and 80's sounding, make sure to 1) bias the jfet to about 6 volts and 2) add a 3mm green diffused LED from pin 7 (LED anode) of the PT2399 to ground (LED cathode) - about 3 rows down from pin 7 works. This will clear up any distortion that may be coming from the circuit itself.
Yesterday I built this project, and I was able to realize that it has a small error in the lower left corner, because as the layout is, a delay is generated in the chorus signal. Based on the original schematic: I moved the 2K resistor pin that goes to S,3. I connected it to ground in T,3 and installed a jumper from P,1 to S,3 and it worked perfectly.
ReplyDeleteDo you have update schematics on this
DeleteBuilt and sounds great with the correction from BT
ReplyDeleteI just put this together, but I'm not sure it's a keeper for me...
Hello, could you update the design? Please!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if the drawing has been updated since the above comments were left back in 2022, but I am looking at a couple different schematics of this and they all seem to corroborate this drawing, as far as the 2k resistor is concerned. It is supposed to go from pin 6 of the PT2399 to ground, which it does. I've built this as drawn and it definitely sounds like a chorus.
DeleteJust built up another one of these and can re-confirm that it works as drawn here. If you want it crisp, clean, and 80's sounding, make sure to 1) bias the jfet to about 6 volts and 2) add a 3mm green diffused LED from pin 7 (LED anode) of the PT2399 to ground (LED cathode) - about 3 rows down from pin 7 works. This will clear up any distortion that may be coming from the circuit itself.
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ReplyDeleteMade a few videos about the build, here's the finished thing with some mods