Saturday 5 September 2020

Yamaha OD-10MII Overdrive

 An obscure old japanese ovedrive circuit that looks like your worst 80's metal pedal. But the reputation is pretty good and it has its small fanbase. And it is not a YATS.



  1. Built this tonight, and it "works" - but the overdrive pot doesn't seem to do anything. Double checked the connections and the pot (swapped a couple in and out) and still no variance on the Overdrive.

    1. 12k resistor connection to pin 7 need to be moved to pin 6. layout is updated.

    2. Moved the resistor, and the drive control works now - but it seems to be backward: Turning it 'up' reduces the drive amount, and 'down' increases it. It's still pretty hot at the lowest drive setting, as well.

    3. Okay, compared my build to some YouTube demos, and it def. doesn't 'clean up' as much as the OG.

  2. Okay, looked over the schematic, and the bottom row connection to the OD pot should go to lug one only: the connection in row 6 should go to OD lugs 2 & 3. Swapped the connections and dropped in a TL072, and it sounds fantastic.

    1. Thanks for verifying! Swapped the connections for the gain controlled and tagged it.
