Saturday 19 September 2020

Colorsound Supa Sustain

 An old school, loud, dirty and sometimes noisy compressor that seems to be inspired by Roland Sustainer. The original runs on two 9v batteries for 18v operation so I included an onboard voltage doubler. It might be a good idea to socket both the LED and LDR to fine tune the the compression.


  1. Hello, fuzzhead!
    I saw that you traced a Colorsound Sustain Module ( Do you have a layout for it, too?

    Thank you!

    1. Yes, I have a layout for it (1 switch version) but since I'm not sure how accurate the schematic is and how the circuit works I haven't posted it.

      I can send it to you by email if you want to take a look at it.

  2. OK, email is radu.echipa on GMail...thank you!

  3. this one should be tagged as verified - I've all ready built the tagboard layout of this same circuit and powered it with a 555-based voltage doubler. I actually like the way this one sounds much more!

    1. Hi Chris, I've always fancied this but heard its really noisy. How does yours sound? Cheers

    2. Hey Ian - so "noise" can be kind of a subjective term. However - this circuit, when you max both knobs will give you a little bit of hiss. But it is totally warm, musical and "vintage" sounding. It will also duck and swell back in depending on your pick attack and how long you want to sustain each note for. You should build it, I think you'll find it to be quite enjoyable to play through! As far as the LDR, I 'd recommend using one with really extreme values for high/low, dark/light resistance. Like a GL5539 or similar.

    3. Superb, cheers Chris. Will defo build it this weekend
