Thursday 7 May 2020

Covid-19 update

Hi there!. Hope everyone is ok out there during these strange times.
Just wanted say that due to covid-19 I got lots to work to do and simply don't have the time and mostly of the time I don't have access to the blog. I will post at least one new layout a week and comments will be answered but within a few days.

Hopefully this thing is getting settled down soon.
Stay safe and take care.


  1. Stay safe. Thank you for doing this blog, it's a huge service to me and the DIY community.

  2. Take care of what is important. Circuits and layouts are great, but I don't think anyone will hold anything against you for taking care of your own affairs. Love the blog and I wish you the best.

  3. You've given us more than enough things to keep us busy. Take care of you and yours.

  4. Stay safe and take care of yourself, and thanks for all you do!

  5. Thank you for all your layouts and publishing them on your blog !

  6. Thanks guys! Much appriciated!

  7. You´re the man! Stay safe and take care. Never enought praises for your generosity!...

  8. Absloute legend. Hope all is well.
    Any chance of when you up to it carl martin plexitone? The small box and big box versions? Ive been building the baja preamps but its slow going as finishing rehouses and other work projects. Hopefully finished soon.

    1. I will give it a shot if I find a way to simplify the the power supply...
