Thursday, 21 November 2019

Boss HM-2 Eq / Swedish Chainsaw Eq

Verified by Sizzorfite


  1. Nice. I've been wondering what this would sound like behind a silicon MKII. I'll build it as soon as I finish a Mostortion I'm workin on (found a couple ca3260's I forgot I had).

  2. Count this a verified... Built it and it works great. I placed it in front of a rat circuit and it kicks ass. :-) Thanks.

  3. Verified, it works great in my amp's effects loop. It lends me a tight and clear Boss HM-2 sound. I did replace the TL072 with OPA1612 and raised the operating voltage though.

  4. Is R13 100k or 100r? There's a discrepancy between they layout and the Schem. Thanks!
