Thursday 15 August 2024

Frost Giant Electronics Little Acid Fuzz


 Phew, loys of work lately so not much time for the blog and building lataely. A few people have sent me some new traces and new layouts. These will be uploaded today. First out is Little Acid Fuzz by Frost Giant Electronics.

Another Frost Giant PCB traced by Sergio. Based on the op amp version of the Little Big Muff from the late 70s. The internal Tone trimmer can easily be moved to the outside for a 2-knobber.


  1. verified! after hearing a demo i had to build this doomish distortion/fuzz. everything works, i would recommend opting for an external tone control.
    thanks for all the layouts!
    and if can ask for a request ( i know your busy but you never know) there's so many big muff pi layouts and not a single bass muff pi.really this website needs a bass muff pi! :) here's a schematic

    1. Awesome! Thanks for verifying.

      I already have a finished layout for the Bass Big Muff. I haven't posted it since it is missing some cap values (in the Pf range I assume). I can upload it anyway if you guys a willing to give it a go and socket some cap values...?

    2. lordy lordy lordy! you draw it , i build it !
      you realize this website would be the ONLY layout site with a bass muff layout !! supercool! and thanks again for all your efforts!

    3. Isn't the Bass Muff basically a Russian Muff with larger coupling caps and a switchable op-amp clean blend?

    4. yeah it is, but it does not change the fact it is completely missing from the "collection" of muffs here. and also, so many layouts for guitar and so little for bass; i'm sure lots of people would be happy to see more bass layouts. basplayers have feelings too!

    5. Alright, I'll upload the layout tomorrow. :-)

    6. Magus, I have to ask... are you that guy on YouTube who says "BASS"? If you are, it's okay... your secret is safe with us. ;)

  2. Replies
    1. In all seriousness, I understand and appreciate your requests for the low end. My main instrument is a HIGHLY modified Squier Bass VI that I run to both guitar AND bass preamps for my sound. I started doing this a couple years ago and now even super low-tuned guitars sound and feel thin to me.

    2. i live for the lowend and everything doom! if it is not low enough it really feels wrong to me! i have 10 bass guitars, one tuned in standard f. lol! my neighbours are crazy about me! what tuning does your bass vi have? i love bass since a very long time. and yes the amount of bass layouts is almost nothing compared to guitar layouts , we need to change this a bit.
      saw a schematic for a bass klon (seems to be just some value changes according the article ) (page 90 --> and here ( ) but maybe! fuzzhead has allready saw this who knows!

  3. I like this circuit and plan to box is up without any knobs as the output usually has me leaving the volume pot at max. I also added a 10k trim pot in series with the 1.2k resistor on the lower left to use as an internal Mid control.
