Tuesday 18 June 2024

One Control / BJF Anodized Brown Distortion 4K

 So....I'm back. Decided to take screen detox for a while.The backlog of layouts is quite big at the moment so you can expect plenty of them the next coming days. 

I'll wil go through the blog comments for verifications but I'm sure I will miss some so don't hesitate to give a shout out if there is something I've missed...

First out is One Control Anodized Brown Distortion, Björn Juhl's take on a "Brown-Sound-In-A-Box". As usual there are some intereting design quirks here, most notable being the J FET gyrator ( which runs on 5v, hence the voltage regulator) for the Mid control and the RC filter in parallel with the hard clipping section. The schematic can be found HERE


  1. Welcome back! to our joy! and what a comeback...

  2. Welcome back Anders! I sent an email asking if you'd like the new DBA business card to trace - let me know of you're interested.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you've been drawing 😊
