Tuesday, 2 January 2024

Minotaur Sonic Terrors Swamp Lord

 evilarsen is back! This time he traced Swamp Lord by Minotaur. A tweaked Rams Head style Muff with a clipping switch and a Mids control. Nothing new under the sun really but the doom crowd might be interested in this.


  1. Made with bc 550c and it sounds massive...Great for the dark side, hehe, tag it. Thanks for your work, happy start of the year

  2. I try an alternative asymmetry clipping : a 3mm red led with a germanium diode.

  3. Actually with 2N5089 https://ibb.co/dmntDhQ

  4. I will wait "The Evil Eye" pedal!)))

    1. I can do a layout of the evil eye pretty quickly if you're interested. It's basically a meathead with an input stage in front of it to turn it into a mkii, and a tonestack added on. I mean no disrespect to Minotaur, but the tonestack on it is kind of useless in my opinion, happy to do a vero layout of it for those interested, and would be even happier to include additional layouts with either a more usable tonestack, or a filter. Personally, I'd rather my Mkii's just have a dirt and a volume knob, but that's just me!

    2. I would love to try one :D

  5. Mark it verified. Sounds amazing.

  6. One for guitar and one for bass. Two green LED on first stage is very interesting for both instrument https://ibb.co/FHwgkd2

    1. evilarsen - i have a layout of the Double Anniversary Big Muff (Gold) - wondering how to submit either to yourself or Anders?

    2. what changes did you make to make it more bass friendly ? thanks in advance!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Hey Evilarsen, can you share your schematic for this? I would appreciate it very much.

  7. Magus Fremar, nothing in the circuit, as the grit middle position is no clipping on first stage and this is the ''bass mode'' too much low for me on guitar. Silicon position on bass not sound very good to me so i replace by two green led. The switch is an on/off. No clipping and green led clipping

  8. Thanks for the quick response! Doom on!!!
