you can call this one verified too. I'm still waiting for the lm4040diz in the mail but in the meantime, I just ran a link across the sockets. It sounds absolutely massive, even without the 5V regulator. Pretty much how it sounds in youtube demos. It sounds kinda like a fuzz factory that was arrested for disorderly conduct, disciplined, rehabilitated and released back into society...while now behaving, it's forever perched atop the knifes edge of self control.
you can call this one verified too. I'm still waiting for the lm4040diz in the mail but in the meantime, I just ran a link across the sockets. It sounds absolutely massive, even without the 5V regulator. Pretty much how it sounds in youtube demos. It sounds kinda like a fuzz factory that was arrested for disorderly conduct, disciplined, rehabilitated and released back into society...while now behaving, it's forever perched atop the knifes edge of self control.
ReplyDeleteI built mine without regulator (not yet arrived) drive pot behave strangely, it cuts a lot of volume below noon, maybe I should recheck everything.