Thursday 14 October 2021

Fuzzlord Effects FET 120 Overdrive - transistor version

 Another one traced by evilarsen. A J FET preamp emulator loosely based on Orange OR120.

This one is already verified. 






  1. Hi, i see the 10nF (power filter) sould be a 100nF, but it doesn't matter. And the 3th trimpot on the schematic will be a 50K. Thanks for the help buddy !

    1. Evilarsen, Anders fuzzhead, thank you! Both of you.

  2. Why is it that whenever I build one of these all FET monsters I get nothing? Can someone offer some sort of suggestion? I biases everything to roughly 4.5v and everything looks correct. All I get is a volume boost with no guitar signal. I tried two different FET types.

    1. Yeah, i hear you. I had to go through a bunch of FETs to make it sound good. Some J201s didin't work at all, some sounded superb. Also tried 2N5457s but the gain was to low. PF5102s had tons of gain but the decay was quite erratic.

      Some says that germaniums are finnicky but IMHO FETs are much worse...a real PITA.

      Keep trying out FETs, I hope you will get there in the end.

  3. Ok, if you wrestle too that makes me feel less hopeless. Thanks

  4. Worked for me on the first try ! I used J201 from ebay and I got lucky I guess !

  5. Looked at this again today. Spent about an hour on it. Almost gave up maybe three separate times. Tried all the j201’s and 5457’s I had. Nothing. Found some j107’s in my box of candy. Rebiased and womp it woke up. Thanks Anders. And thanks for the envy unknown above poster.
