Friday 10 September 2021

Schumann Lion

 Modified for normal DC power supply with onboard voltage inverter and voltage regulators.

The layout is based on THIS schematic.


  1. I just built the tagboard version of this with the LT1054 bipolar daughterboard which jumps 9vDC up to 12vAC. Gonna try this one next. I'm curious if 9vDC going in will be enough since your layout has the power input level at "12-18v" will I need a separate charge pump if I want to use a standard 9vDC adapter? Thanks Anders!

    1. Hey Chris!
      I wouldn't bet any money on it but I *think* it will fire up with a standard 9VDC power adapter. You can also try a 18VDC adapter to get the desired(?) 12v...or a seprate charge pump. I wanted to keep the layout quite small so I didn't do an onboard voltage doubler.

      Looking forward to hear how it turns out. This is on my list as well!

    2. Hey Anders! You can tag this one - just built it up and it sounds like it should! I used a voltage doubler to send 18v in before the bipolar bits split into 12VAC.

    3. Also - I subbed a 1054 for the 1144. I'm not entirely convinced that I didnmt get a bad batch of 1144 chips. They have not worked in just about everything I have used them in. In this one, I had to remove the L7812 and reinstall it every time I turned it off and then back on - or the circuit would lose all gain!🤷

    4. Awesome Chris! I'll tag it right away.

  2. Hey Anders, I revisited this one recently because it was really bugging me that I couldn't get it to work with the LTC1144. I measured the voltages coming off of it and I could get the +18v from pin 8 but no -18v from pin 5. So I moved the cathode of the 10uF cap down one row, so that it is connected to pin 5, and it fired right up with the LTC1144. So you may want to adjust this layout accordingly.

    1. Thanks Chris for spotting that. Negative leg is now moved to row P.
