Wednesday 17 June 2020

Gorilla TC-35 Tube Cruncher / Aion Positron

Schematic, info and PCBs for sale HERE


  1. I took a stab at this one today. I've never heard one of these, so I don't know exactly what it's supposed to sound like. My bass control didn't seem to do anything (Maybe it's subtle?). Other than that, it sounds pretty interesting. With my build as is, I had to run a buffer before the circuit. I've never heard a buffer change the sound so much! It went from a grainy, weak, whistling tone, to a full fledged gain tone with the buffer in front. I'm still going to triple check my build later so see if there were any goofs on my end.

    1. Cool. i'm curiuous about this one as well, found out that some solid state pre amp designs really sound interesting and unique. Don't know much about this oneiether except for the Josh Homme Connection.
      Will build it for sure and thanks for the tip about the buffer.

      The tone Controls is 3-band but is wired in a quite odd way. Will check the schematic again bu I remember I thought is was wierd while drawing it up.

    2. just built this one, and i had the same exact issue! didn't notice any errors on the layout vs the aion schematic, and from the videos of the amp i saw, it definitely doesn't sound like it had much to offer in the low-end department. next time i order from aion i might snag one of their PCBs and see how it stacks up. i'll report back here if i do. thanks the layout!

  2. so i built the aion PCB and can confirm this is basically a "quirk" of the pedal. if you turn the treble & mid down all the way and sweep the bass knob you can hear it doing... something... but it isn't much. side-by-side with my vero build it sounds nearly identical. i think this circuit is just sorely lacking in the low-end dept :/
