Friday 19 July 2019

Paul in the Lab Green Wizard Overdrive


  1. Built and sounding good! Only thing I noticed is the lower lead of the 3k in the bottom left should be connected to 4M. Right now, the 1uF cap is out of circuit, and moving that lead up will put it back in. Thanks for the layout!

    1. Thanks Brian.
      Layout is corrected and tagged.

  2. How doesn't it sound? I really like the red wizard

  3. Is there a suitable replace for the lt1307? I can't seem to find one


    1. You can try any single op amp (with internal compensation cap) like TL061, TL071, LM741 etc. LT1037 is a high end, fast switching audophile op amp that is mostly used for hi fi auidio. The more common types mentioned might not sound the same...or it will!

    2. Thank you Anders..๐Ÿ˜Š
      The red wizard is so good. This has to be worth a shot

    3. I saw Paul recommended using germanium diodes and I have a bunch left from the special cranker...I'll report back

    4. I used the LT1037 for a few reasons.
      1. it had clipping diodes on the input and it can sound different on some amps (not all though)

      2. it was low power and a bit quieter in terms of noise so I could squeeze a bit more battery life out with it and the noise can become a problem when the pedals are stacked up!

      3. people were selling pedals made on my designs without crediting me (I don't care if people sell them, but without the credit, it goes against the whole project sharing ethos) and then if I confronted them, they would claim they didn't, so I sometimes use obscure parts so I know for sure.

      4. most importantly; I had a load of them from my work after some marine project

    5. Hey Paul, nice to know you are still around!!

  4. This is a great overdrive. Paul strikes again.

    I preferred reverse logarithmic pot on the drive for a smoother taper at the hot end.

    Thank you Anders ๐Ÿ˜Š
