Wednesday 10 July 2019

Fuzzhugger Fx Doom Bloom


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Not working...kind of. Built last night. Tested this morning with 2N5088's and then 2N5089's. Sputtering and barely audible volume. It got slightly louder when I swapped out transistors from the AliExpress 2N5089's to the Tayda 2N5088's but it's barely audible. Trying to determine if it's faulty parts or if I messed up something. I'll keep testing.

  3. Saw another layout with a 47NF connecting the to the 100r and 100uf. Going to check all my solder joints and try adding it to see if it helps. Maybe change out the transistors to see if they are the cause. It seems like half the builds I've done, the transistors I've been using sound low/sputtery despite being the recommended version.

    1. Ignore my previous comment...probably a build error on my part. Re-soldered the sockets, dragged the iron in between the rails and re-drilled the cuts (slightly). It works now! Threw in 2N5089's and tried 2N3904 (sounded good but not as loud), BC108B's (Sustain seemed slightly better) and BC109's hoping for some magic bullet to reduce the noise. Ended up sticking with the 2N5089's but they are noisy in this circuit (crackling and hissing when all knobs are max & Bloom osciallates a bit if maxed with volume and bias maxed). If you flip Q1 it gates the noise but also lowers the max volume. For now, I'll stick with the noise but keep the volume knob down. Overall it's a fun pedal because of the options for tweaking. Thanks for posting this one!
