Monday 15 July 2019

Friedman BE-OD

As most non PCB layouts of this circuit, it is quite noisy.  But it is easily solved by replacing 120pF capacitor with a larger valye between 470pF-1nF. Or just put a buffer in front of it. 


And a layout requested by Teddeeh with transistors as clippers.


  1. Hey man, love the layout i might possibly give this one a whirl as its 3 dip8 chips.
    But. The research with taggboard effects this layout suffered heavily with feedback.
    When the ztx951 transistors were used as clipping the laoyout was absolutely golden. Any chance of a layout with those? And the dirty shirley too??

    1. Nice info on the transistors so I will try to draw a layout with transistors as clippers. I've got a board ready for this puppy just waiting for some reverse log pots to arrive. Will post back how it behaves.

      Dirty Shirley:

      So it using transistors as clippers as well?

    2. No man, in the fsb there was alot of chatter back and forth about feedback and the way this behaved. I dont know if the transistors are in the actual schematic but what i do know is instead of the diode clipping, 2 ztx951’s cured all. No feedback even insanely cranked. Sounded just as good as any videos on the real one. They are still available aswell if a little pricey. I havent experimented with any alternatives but i have wanted to with the ztx family. Just for sh!ts and giggles.
      Maybe it was the layout (tagboard l) who knows but there were alot of people who had feedback issues.

    3. Yes the dirty shirley with transistor clippers too please man. I mis read and thought for some reason you meant aswell as diode cliping. I lm on alot of medication and recovering from a neurological disease so im a bit scatty headwise.

  2. Also, sorry to be cheeky, but are you able to do a jhs haunting mids from bugg fx’s website too? There is a v2 schematic that seems refined.

    1. I'll give this one a shot as well. You've really got me into some work here :-)

    2. Imho you are one of the best dudes to ask. Your layouts are awesome and youve done some great work.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Also, just remembered as i putting a couple friedman boards together atm, it was only the 1n4148s to convert to transistor x

    1. Just finished this and it's just awesome. But it has some noise issues when controls dimed. Most people seems to put a buffer up front or replace 120pF cap with a larger value. I ended up with a 1nF and it is quiet now AND very high gain. Will try to add a layout soonish with transistor clippers.

  4. Aye man i found that increasing that cap killed the highs for me personally. Ive even lowered that cap to 47pf with the transistor clipping and no noise issues.

    1. Uploaded a layout with the transistor clippers.

  5. Hello ,,, I’m trying to make this Vero , but I can’t understand
    Something , what is bav99 and where I put? There isn’t in board. Thank you

    1. The original has bav99 diodes which is SMD diodes. A bit tricky to use one vero so you can use 1N4148 diodes for D1 to D4 instead as shown in the top layout.

    2. So the bav99 use D1-D2-D3-D4 ? .. and I have one last question for wiring . Which cable to use ? And which diameter ? Solid or standard copper and 0.24 mm is fine ?

  6. just wanted to check, should there be 16 links? it says 15 (counting each part of the double links as 1) but i seem to count 16 on the diagram. column wise i count:
    1 in column 2
    2 in column 5
    2 in column 6
    2 in column 7 (with the double link)
    4 in column 9 (with3 double links)
    2 in column 10 (with the double link)
    1 in column 12
    1 in column 14
    1 in column 15

    Is that right?

    1. I a referring to the top vero, without the transistors

    2. You are correct, it is 16 links, updated the notes...

  7. I tried building the top pedal but used a 470pf Ceramic cap instead of 120pf. I currently have no sound after IC1 leg 3. here are my IC Voltages

    1 -1.39
    2 - 8.05
    3 - 1.31
    4 - 0
    5 - 6.23
    6 - 6.23
    7 - 8.05
    8 - 8.99

    1 - 1.34
    2 - 4.7
    3 - 1.79
    4 - 0
    5 - 1.92
    6 - 1.79
    7 - 1.78
    8 - 8.99

    1 - 3.56
    2 - 1.58
    3 - 1.79
    4 - 0
    5 - 3.29
    6 - 3.45
    7 - 3.44
    8 - 8.99

    Also D1 is the only diode that lights up (not sure if it is meant to or not)

    1. Your voltages at all three op amps looks a bit wierd, close to 4,5v is a good starting point except for pin 4 and pin 8. You have too low voltage for all pins of half of IC1 is to low while the other half is to high. IC 3 looks a bit low as well....
      Hard to tell what the issue could be....

    2. So i did some checking over the weekend and noticed the top leg of the 10k resistor in column 16 was 1 leg too low. so i fixed that and have new voltages currently the IC voltages are:

      1 - 1.47
      2 - 1.61
      3 - 1.17
      4 - 0
      5 - 1.62
      6 - 1.62
      7 - 1.56
      8 - 8.99

      1 - 1.4
      2 - 1.5
      3 - 1.48
      4 - 0
      5 - 1.68
      6 - 1.48
      7 - 1.48
      8 - 8.99

      1 - 1.34
      2 - 5.08
      3 - 4.11
      4 - 0
      5 - 2.32
      6 - 2.28
      7 - 2.23
      8 - 8.85

      could my ICs be the issue?

    3. I swapped IC1 and IC3 and voltages changed.

      1 - 8.23
      2 - 7.94
      3 - 5.23
      4 - 0
      5 - 7.43
      6 - 7.43
      7 - 7.94
      8 - 8.85

      1 - 4.17
      2 - 8.06
      3 - 5.67
      4 - 0
      5 - 7.92
      6 - 5.66
      7 - 7.92
      8 - 8.85

      1 - 8.15
      2 - 4.44
      3 - 5.67
      4 - 0
      5 - 6.26
      6 - 6.9
      7 - 6.9
      8 - 8.85

      Im all sorts of confused

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Had another look and cleaned between the tracks and now have an output but the Gain knob seems to be always active at full gain and turning the knob has no effect. any ideas?

  10. Build it, swap 120p to 1nf, trimmer set over 70% got squeal. Although, set trim at center got more than enough high gain, and Treble still good after swap to 1nf, and slightly boost gain up when over 60%, all pots works fine sp the Tight pot do the good job in tone shaping, thanks for the neat layout, here the test demo:

  11. Can I request a layout that has mids control pot for this like the BE-OD Deluxe? I'd be very grateful!

  12. Replies
    1. Without battery, it will fit with no problem.
