Tuesday 30 July 2019

Death by Audio Apocalypse

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  1. Replies
    1. http://www.freestompboxes.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=14502&p=262606&hilit=death+by+audio+apocalypse&#p262606

      Also there is some info further down the thread how to solve volume issues in Scoop setting.

  2. Got this one going but low output on position 1,2 & 4. When I pull R39, or change the value, the volume doesn't increase. Position 3,5 & 6 are pretty good though. Will have another look, see what I missed

    1. Couple of bad solder joints. Now I only a slight drop in volume on a couple of settings 1 and 2, all the rest are good. Cracking pedal!!!

  3. What are the average hfe of the 5088’s that you’re using Ian? Just curious. Never had much luck with the DBA’s.

  4. Around the 320 mark. I used a 1M for R39 and a 2K2 for R30 and no issues with position 2 and 4. I am having issues with position 3 (War Fuzz), Q4 should be for this part of the circuit but doesn't seem to work. In position 4 (Dual J-Fet), if I pull the Q4 I get no sound but this transistor shouldn't be part of this circuit. Am checking through my board and the schematic again.

  5. By the way, positions 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6 are pretty damn good. Just need to sort position 3

  6. Had a good look at this one and after checking and pulling components, I believe the rotary settings are written the wrong way round on the picture above. It should be -
    1. Gain X1000
    2. Octave
    3. Dual J-Fet
    4. War Fuzz
    5. Scoop
    6. Pre-amp

    I know its already verified but I can verify it works and is pretty good if you like DBA style fuzz pedals.

    Cheers Anders!!!
