Saturday 29 June 2019

Spaceman Effects Nebula

Verified by Brazdj


  1. Hello. Verified! Sounds really great. Switch Tone Sw. 1 to Tone Sw. 4. Flip the REG 180 degrees (or for the builder just check your pinout before installing the REG).

    Interesting note: Turning Density to either of its extremes cuts out the sound. Given the Triffid schematic not too surprised, just wonder if that happens with the actual Spaceman units.

  2. Cheers! I'll tag it and change Sw 1 to 4 as well as the orientation of the regulator.

  3. I was playing more this circuit and realized I had a build error which led me to find two small errors in the layout.

    1. The 10K resistor closest to pin4 of IC5 should be moved two rows up to connect to pin6 of IC5. Both pin 4 and 6 of IC5 should have 10k resistors to Vr. Currently pin 4 has two 10 k resistors to Vr, while pink 6 has none.

    2. The 1uf capacitor four columns to the left of pin 3 of IC5 should be connected to pin4 of IC5. I did this by connecting at an angle. One leg of the cap goes to where the 10K resistor (that should be moved) connects. The second leg of the 1uf capacitor connects two rows down and two columns to the left (45 degrees) to the left side of the semi-transparent, horizontal 1uf capacitor.

  4. Bonjour
    La version semble ok d'après ce que je lis je vais donc essayer de la construire le plan est il bien à jour ?
    Débutant dans le domaine quelq'un saurait il me dire à quoi correspond le c23 sur le vero ?
    Merci beaucoup.
