Saturday 15 June 2019

Jen HF Modulator

NOTE! Most schematics has a 220pF cap instead of 2,2nF left to Q1. 220pF is reported to work much better. Verified by Mulekicker.


  1. Hey Anders, did you build one of these? I just finished one and its working but the volume is pretty low. I was looking at the Tagboardeffects layout and they have a 220pf between C & B of q1 and you have a 2.2nf. Is that right? I'll dig up a schematic, just wanted to check with you.

    1. Yeah, the schematic I used had 2,2nF there but just googled for some other schematics and it appears that the others has 220pF. I would stick with the 220pF value since 2,2nF should roll of much more highs and cause some volume drop.

      Haven't done this one so I'm looking forward to hear about your findings.

  2. Yep, 220pf fixes the volume drop. Now its slightly above unity (which I like). I put your layout of the Jen Fuzz III before it in the same box. I upped the 1.2 nf to 10 and the in/out caps to 100nf just cause it was a bit piercing stock. Both verified. Thanks dude!
