Sunday 16 June 2019

Boss FZ-2 Hyper Fuzz

Now updated with corrected values since schematic online had quite a few resistor values wrong.
Verified by Marcello M.

 And a short demo by MTK


  1. Thanks for the layout, man. This is a keeper. I went with 2N1613's @60 hfe, PF5102's, a 2N2907A, and 4558's for the opamps. I also tried some 2N2369, 2N5457/5458's and a 3906. All worked just fine, I went with the 1613's because they had matching gain.

    Demo -

    Build folder -

    1. What can I say. Another awesone doom build! And mojo points for the 2N1613's.

  2. This one drove me bonkers for three days, only to find I had a 100K resistor in place of a 10K. Now it works like a charm, nice work again Anders!!!

  3. I just put this one together - I've built the streamlined pedalpcb one many times so I wanted to give this a go. Build notes for anyone else thinking about doing the same: 1) the ICs are not crucial, except for the PNP transistor. I tried several (3906, 2907, 2087, etc...) but the one that really made this scream was a bc327 - WAY louder and more cutting than any others I had. 2) I was ready to call this one done until, during testing, I noticed that the Volume pot was at max and had no effect at all, but only in 'Boost' mode... I tried rewiring to a different part of the rotary selector, and managed to duplicate the same problem, only on the 'Scooped Fuzz' mode... so I removed leg 3 of the volume pot from the selector, wired it to the output, and then made leg 2 the output instead. Not sure if this was my build specifically, but I thought I would note it here just in case anyone else encountered the same problem.

    1. oh - also - in rewiring the selector, I had to connect pins 4, 5 & 6 to the row on the board that is currently marked for pin 4 & level 3. As I said before - this could just be my build so don't attempt this modification unless you run into the same problem

    2. Res 1.8k connected to emitter of q6 and q7 change to 2.7 k res

  4. REsistor corrections:that 10k res connected to non inverting of ic2 on the leftside change to 56k,,the 47 k res on the left side of ic1 should be 10k,, 27k on right side of ic1 change to 100k res
    As per schematics ref

    1. Hmm, I can't see any of the resistor values you mention in the corrected schematic that this layout follows.

      Which schematic are you referring too?

  5. Its from J Flanders dated Aug 9 2017, sir.

    1. Oh, that is the old incorrect schematic. The guy behind griffin Effects reverse ingineered it a a couple of years ago since that schematic sounded off. There is a few corrected schematics floating around nowadays. Here is one of them.

  6. Ohhh i see, tnx sir fuzzhead.
    My apology.

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