Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Black Arts Toneworks Quantum Mystic

Quad op amp version per as the original.

...and a 2x dual op amp version. For some reason it has some minor noise issues with the Mid and Volume controls cranked.



  1. Works perfectly and sounds great. I was trying to get the revised Tagboard Effects layout to work properly but it was too noisy to be usable. Thanks for the layout.

    1. Hi, Squirrels. I think you got oscillaton problem with the tagboard layout, right?
      Is this one without oscillations issue?

  2. Yeah, works fine. Definitely sounds better through a dirty amp than a clean one though. I really like it in front of my OR15 but through my Origin 50 I found d it a bit underwhelming. It may need much more more volume than I can get at home though.

    1. Thanks a lot. One day I'll try this one instead the tagboard one.

      Maybe we could pair the Quantum Mystic with some mild overdrive placed after it. A TS808, or a tamed OCD, maybe a Box of Rock (without boost)... I don't know perhaps a couple of jfet stages?

  3. ugh i can't get this one fired up ive looked over it a million times about to just build a new one

  4. Anyone got a pic of their finished board..i have to be missing something small

    1. Sorry, I don't have mine here but if youcan you post your voltages we might be able to help you out.

  5. Is Gain 1&2 tied together? I see that on the Tagboardeffects layout.

  6. So everything on mine works great except when the Treble knob is at full the whole pedal slowly fades and dies lie a bias knob is on full. I replaced the pot and also 6.2k resistors, 6.8nf capacitors around the treb and volume pots. Any other reason that this would happen? I've never had anything like this happen before, as soon as I click the knob back a hair it works just fine again. Thanks

    1. Well, I suggest to check some unwanted bridge between the tracks close the treble wires.

  7. Built, verified and added a second layout with two dual op amps to be able to experiment with more choices of op amps. It works and sounds great...but squeals a bit with the Mid and Volume controls dimed. For a noise free build, stock with the quad op amp layout...

  8. where do I connect the dual op amps version output cable.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sorry, looks like you should try connecting the out to the row just beneath Volume 3.

    3. I feel you Tom, you think Blogger would have updated to an Edit option for replies by now?

    4. I hate leaving millions of comments all over Anders’ blog but dorky enthusiasm compels me to do it. Looks like he used the alternate side of the tl072 here. So the row below Vol 3 should be the one.

    5. Tom, Brian, thanks a lot for that.

  9. Here’s a link to a schematic for the dual op amp version:
