Thursday, 20 June 2019

Bearfoot Fx Dyna Red Distortion 4-knob


  1. Built this using a 2N5457 while I’m waiting on some 2N5458s. You can tag this one , works great. Thanks again.

    1. Cheers, thanks for verifying! I'm on the fence on building do you like it? I see some similarities to Rat....

    2. I'm using it on bass. I m waiting on some foot switches so I can box it up. I like the mid knob. It adds some low end back in. I may try switching out the 47n input cap for a 220n to see if it lets some more lowend in. I just put a LM308 in a rat pedal I have and I think I like this better. Its definitely going on my board. I have some 5458s on the way , not sure how much of a difference that will make .I have only tested this through headphones but I'm going to test it on my amp tonight. Overall I like it.

  2. My 2N5458s showed up today. There is not a huge difference between them and the 2N5457. Barely noticeable but I do prefer the 5458s. I decided to leave the cap as is and just use a clean blend with my bass. Sounds awesome.

  3. Built this one today. Sounds great except for it sound a bit thin and hollow with the Mid control CCW. Subbed the 100nF cap with a 220nF and now it roars. Middy plexi grind CCW and heavier almost fuzzy low mids CW.

    1. Thanks for the tip, I socketed the 100nF cap so that I could experiment with different values. A bigger cap in that spot really is an improvement. My build was a little lower gain than I was looking for so I soldered a 33k resistor on the edge of the board in parallel with the 14.7k effectively bringing that down to about 10k. That's given me more of the range that I was after.

  4. I built this and sound great, but when I raise the gain up, it put out a high pitched squeal. Itsnt boxed yet..also it sound a little flat, but I have to put different tapers on pots.. any idea??

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Update¡¡¡ if the pedal is after a buffered effect in bypass is absolutely silent¡¡ . Maybe because it isnt boxed yet is the cause??
