Monday, 16 March 2020

Fuzzhead Fx Soundwave War

Just a variation of various Death by Audio circuits using reverse beta gain (reversed transistor gain). Initially I was messing with Fuzz War 7 transistor fuzz and eventually got it to work but it was unstable and the decay was very erratic.

Replaced the five first stages with the four first stages of Soundwave Breakdown since it's much more stable. Added a small 470pF cap across emitter and base to tame oscillation. Tonestack is big muff style with tweaked values with a treble bleed cap parallel with the tone control to the two revovery stages. Germanium hard clippers is russian D311 with quite low voltage drop (0,2v). And I found that MPSA18 worked much better than 2N5089 which sounds much bigger and has more sustain and pleasant decay.

And yes, it does doom.
