Friday, 20 January 2023

Carl Martin Crush Zone

 A quite interesting one. It is basically an old Tim Escobedo circuit (Punch in the Face silicon/FET fuzz face variant) sandwished between two op amp gainstages. The input cap is only at 220pF, try 4,7nF-10nF to fatten things up a bit. A trimpot is added for easy biasing for the J FET. Stock fixed value is 5,6k.

Schematic is avaiable HERE.

Carl Martin Panama

 Schematic is avaiable HERE.

Sunday, 8 January 2023

Devi Ever Silver Rose V1

 Schematic is avaiable HERE.


Sunmachine Sonic Devices Fuzz O)))

 There was quite some hype and interest in this one a few years ago but it was never fully traced. Obviously it was based on a DAM Meathead but and the product description mentions a low pass filter for the "Low" control. guitarfxservice traced it a few days ago (thank you!) and it turns out that it is a stock Meathead with an input cap selector switch and the "Low" control is basically Pre Gain control. Nothing new under the sun(n) I upload this to demistify it. 

Thursday, 5 January 2023

MXR M75 Super Badass Distortion

 Schematic is avaiable HERE.

Exar BM-02 Bad Metal

 Schematic is avaiable HERE.

Exar OD-01 Overdrive

 These things is getting really expensive especially since it got hyped by JHS and was included as the "XR" mode in their Bonsai pedal. It is basically a YATS/Boss-OD-1 with some value changes here and there and assymetrical soft clipping.

Schematic is avaiable HERE.

Sunday, 1 January 2023