Monday, 26 February 2024

Dead Astronaut Pendulum Tremolo+

 Schematic is avaiable HERE.


  1. just tried building this and I think most of it is working. Meaning that all the pots seem to be functioning and the led's are pulsing and changing depending on which pot is being turned. However I am not getting any audio signal past the 470k resister going into filter sw2 (k2). I'm wondering if this is because it is a on/off/on switch? would using an on/on/on switch perhaps solve this? Help! Please! : (

    1. The switch isn't the problem. It looks like that top LED is in the wrong place: its anode (positive leg) should be a row lower, on I15, and its cathode (negative leg) should be a row higher, on J15. I haven't checked for errors beyond that, but give that a try and see if it works.

  2. I haven't checked the schematic but Output is going straight to ground - hence no sound. Move the Output wire up two rows, same row as the 1uf, and it should be fine

  3. thanks to both of you. I did both of those changes and got it working.

    1. Excellent! Glad you got it working. 👍
