Thursday, 22 October 2020

Maestro RM-1A Ring Modulator

 A requested circuit but bear in mind that it is rather big, has an onboard charge pump for 15v-15v operation, and has a quite complicated setup due to five multiturn trimmers.

I've omitted the (for now) the Osc, Pitch, Carrier and Modulation jacks but might add it later on if is requested but it will be an "offboard wiring extravaganza".

 Schematic is avaiable HERE

Trimper setup is avaiable  HERE







  1. !!
    You're the best! Thanks!

  2. About to build this, and trying to add back the extra jacks. I've figured out mod and osc, but I'm having trouble figuring out pitch and carrier, I think they need to interupt things by the 10k connected to pin 3 of ic4 but i'm getting lost in translating the numbering of pins for pitch pot and switch. Help?!?

    1. Did you end up building this? I'm interested, but worried about the unverified status.

  3. Replies
    1. I might build it soon because I really want one. Let me know if you gave it a shot.

  4. Build it, then it will be verified?
