Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Aion Fx Penumbra

 Layout drawn by Chris Stelloh.

Schematic is avaiable HERE.


  1. Hey all! I'm pretty sure this one works - I recently built a version with a fixed input buffer instead of the switchable pickup sim, but otherwise it was the exact same layout.

    Either way: regarding the "pinch" control. As it is drawn here (which is the way it is on the schematic) the gate opens instead of closes as you turn the knob clockwise. If you want it to work in the other direction, connect lug 1 where 3 is and connect 2+3 where 1+2 currently is. Then the gate will close as you turn the knob up - the threshold will remain the same. Hope someone can verify this and if you build it and it DOESN'T work, I'll be monitoring these comments and will redraw if necessary.

  2. this looks interesting, woolly mammoth is a very nice effect. if i can get my hands on that 42tl019 transfomer i want to see what all the fuzz is about

    1. The pickup simulator is more of a utility addition. It does take just a hint of volume and fuzz away from the output when you turn it on, but it does make it so that you can put other pedals before it. Otherwise, this layout is really just a Mammoth with the "sub" switch from the Mastotron tacked on just before the end.

    2. i really like the mammoth and the mastortron (although the mastotron can be a bit much on some settings) so for sure when i have a usable transformer i will build this! ( i have not build a lot of layouts from you , so for that reaon aone i want to build it! )

    3. The 42tL019 is ideal because it is a really small transformer - but the secondary side is not connected in this layout - so if you look up the datasheet for it, you can probably find a suitable substitute as long as the specs on the primary side are the same.

    4. found this one i think it will be good enough (10k:10k) will order it but will have to check my parts so i can order missing parts or refills so I get the most out of the shipping costs

  3. That link goes to an optocoupler. The transformer does only need two pins connected on the primary side, but I'm not sure if that would work. Maybe someone who knows a little more electrical engineering might be able to verify if they would serve the same purpose in this circuit?

    1. The link leads to the TY-141P. That's the one in the Hudson pre. It is 10k 10k. The transformer listed above is available at amplified if anyone needs it here in the unUnited States if anyone is interested.


    3. thanks for the link , im in europe so it will be a very hefty buy with americas search for money lol

    4. It isn't a big deal but the TY-141P won't fit on Chris' layout. You'd have to create a daughterboard for it.

    5. When I copied+pasted that link I left some of it off and it went to a listing for an optocoupler 🤦 which turns out CAN actually be substituted for transformers in certain DC-voltage applications. Anyway - the TY141 is a great transformer but, as Tom said, it won't fit on this layout. Not only are the pins spaced further apart but they are MUCH thicker than the holes in stripboard. When using them, I have to ream out the stripboard just slightly without breaking the copper track.

    6. and this one? (klaus does not have 42tl019)

    7. If my memory is correct, the specs on the TM019 are the same, it's just a little larger so you may have to bend the legs a bit to fit this drawing, but it should work just fine.

    8. bending is not a problem, i send a notification to klaus (it's sold out atm) thanks for the help!

  4. allright chris!just build this, fired up directly! I got a transformer from a friend ( I got the 10k:600r variant. it was just to big to fit on the board ( bending did nothing lol) so i had to attach it with two wires and seal the rest with tape. i used 2n3903 with hfe of 79.9 and 80.2 which gave me a familiar mammoth sound with extra settings due the two switches! very nice! thank you for the layout!

  5. That's such great news, Magus! Glad you were able to make the transformer work, and I hope Anders sees this and tags it as VERIFIED!!!🙌

  6. thanks man! am going to check out more of your layouts !
