Saturday, 15 April 2023

Electro Harmonix / JHS Pedals Lizard Queen

 Uh oh, everything Josh does at the moment seem to hit the fan...

*update 230421* The cap avalues and transistors is now figured out for both the big box version and Nano version. An additional layout for the Nano version is uploaded.

Big box version

Nano version
Demo by Mr Sheridan.




  1. Yaaas. It should have a Bat Sim built into it though.

    I have a feeling a BM with an up octave would beat this thing in a fight. And we've all done that. Good fun though.

  2. the notion of "originality" only being genuine if you somehow "conjure it from the ether" is such a capitalist concept. Because if you can claim that you alone are the originator of something, then you can own, copywright, patent, trademark, monetize... Josh Scott is truly a capitalist - because he has managed to appropriate and monetize ideas - whether they were his or not. At this point, I'm just wondering if folks are going to be able to see beyond his shenanigans and realize that he is the product of a horribly predatory system that creates and rewards the kind of appropriative shit that he does over actual community and innovation... That having been said, I'll probably try to build this at some point. Thanks Anders!

    1. Well said and amen, Chris. There's something peculiarly exhausting about the contemporary kind of well-heeled shitposters who claim others' labour & designs as their own, substitute their massive collection of gadgets for an actual personality, and yet pretend to be coolly detached from - indeed, above - the crab-bucket fray...

  3. I'd build this just to spite JHS, I've said for years he's never changed...

    1. I just dug up the ad copy for his Thunderbolt (yay, wayback machine) where he claims he came up with the circuit after years of researching Supro amps. It's absent from the current ad copy. Weird how that got scrubbed after it was pointed out that it's a ROG Supreaux....

    2. There's still his demo on Youtube where he makes the same claims. Maybe that research led him to add a charge pump on the circuit :D

  4. Thank you Anders. I knew you'd be on the case here☺️

  5. Verified! With one correction - the far right link should connect to the base of Q4. I used BC108, 2N3904, 2N5088, and 2N5087 for the transistors in that order. Also just kept C3 at 10uF as in the original PMPY. And used a1N4148 for D1. Sounds killer. Thanks for the layout!

    1. Thanks for verifying. Just one thing, the leftmost 470k resistor needs to be moved as well. See the updated layout.

    2. What did you use for C5?

    3. I've got a 100pF in there for C5. Sounds fine as is, but I haven't tried any other values yet.

  6. Ah of course. After some more playing around it clearly wasn't behaving right. Works perfectly now!

  7. I built this this morning. I use 10uf and 330pf because I had them. It sounds great!

  8. if you see the JHS video exactly at 20:37 you can see the 3 electrolytic caps, 2 look the same (I assume 100uF) and another is bigger, but I can't read the values. Since we know two are 100uF, I assume C3 is not 100uF, could be 10uF. I tried both 10 and 100 and didn't notice a significant difference. Also C5 facing away so I can't read the value. I think higher values will give you a slightly smoother fuzz, I tried 100pF and 330pf and that was my impression, but it's hard to tell if there is a difference

  9. Pedalpcb have published one, they're saying it's the following in the nano....(off freestompboxes)

    Q1 - 2N2222A (MMBT2222A)
    Q2 - 2N5088 (MMBT5088)
    Q3 - 2N2222A (MMBT2222A)
    Q4 - 2N3906 (MMBT3906)

    D1 - 1N4148 (MMBD4148SE)

    All film caps are 100nF
    Balance pot value is B1K
    Balance pot capacitor is 10uF

    Feedback capacitor on Q2 is omitted
    47pF capacitor from input to ground

  10. Compared to the large in that we've seen pics of, the balance pot is different (B1k instead of C1k), and 2n2222a for Q3, we've see two can trannies if it was?

    Prob makes no difference 😂

  11. C5 Seems to tame the top end fizz if it's too bright for your taste. I only tried 330p so far, but it tames the sizzle while leaving everything else still pretty gnarly. The taper of the Octave pot on my build bunches all of the octave effect in the last 1/4 turn so I may experiment with a C100k pot there to see if it is more even. The circuit sounds pretty cool, although not amazing. My big gripe is that the octave effect adds so much treble content that creates the effect that lower frequencies are being cut, thus not dooming. Maybe a simple treble cut added to the circuit could make it more accommodating.

  12. EHX Lizard Queen nano by pedalpcb

  13. Built this, using the transistors from the pedalpcb circuit, a 10uf for c3 and 470pf for c5. It sounds great but when the guitar volume is off there is an AC type of clicking noise. Anyone else have the same issue? Any ideas of a fix?

  14. Updated the layout with the correct transistors and cap values. Also added a layout for the Nano version.

    Thanks everybody for providing all the info!

  15. I've built-in the box big one but but used the nano transistors (2n222a metal can, 2n5088, 2n222a pn, 2n3906. Works fine, I bet it makes no difference tbh.

  16. Oh the 47p still needs to be in that nano layout btw! Should be on input to ground.

  17. Just made the big box version and it sounds huge! The octave is pretty subtle though. Any tips on how to bring that out more?

  18. I ordered some 2n5088 transistors to have a go at this one...(in the past I've only been able to source fake ones with very low hfe)

    The two that have arrived have a really high 600-800 hfe rating 😳
    Is this the right ballpark for these transistors?

    (In the past I've always substituted 2n5088 for mpsa18 around 500hfe)

    1. That doesn't sound atypical for 2N5088s. They can range anywhere from 300–900, I've read. I usually think of them as mid-gain transistors. MPSA18s have a wider & higher range of hfe, from 500–1500, kinda one step up from 2N5089s.

    2. That's weird. 2N5088's are very common. I don't know why anyone would send you fake ones. They're probably just low gain. If you still have them don't toss 'em. They may come in handy the next time you build a DBA circuit. 500-800 is a little high but I think that's just the way it goes. I usually buy maybe 30-50 at a time because you never know what range they'll be in. But they all can be useful, just hang onto them. Mark the general HFE on the bag.

    3. Good advice thank you guys. I may use the mpsa18s that I have because they are in the 500hfe range.

  19. Can anyone tell me how to build one of these without the octave? I like the fuzz sound and would like to make it without the octave bits in the circuit. I bought a big box and the small one. They both sound great. I'd love a schematic of just the fuzz part.

    1. The fuzz section is a DIY classic, the Bazz Fuss, designed by Christian Hemmo.

  20. Here is my one. Thank you Anders.

  21. I didnt think I would like this pedal but thats sounds pretty cool, nice demo Ian

    1. Thank you, Ian. It does sound pretty cool. It reminds me a bit of a woolly mammoth (but with optional octave up)

      I was worried about transistor values but in the end I just went for it, soldered everything in and it sounded good first time. The rough values were

      Pn2222 - around 180 HFE
      Mpsa18 - around 490 HFE
      2n3906 - around 330 HFE


  22. I'm always super flattered when you add my videos. Thank you 😊

  23. made with MPSA13 and 10K resistor on collector for Q1, and the regular way of both the JHS and the EHX versions. The darlington takes away a lot of the gate, sustains longer, and plays better in a chain after other pedals, but it does oscillate a bit more. also made a bazz fuss into a Tripple which sounded a bit more pleasant (and by pleasant...i mean unpleasant in a good way) to my ears. I might box it and claim that i spent years coming up with the idea and try to sell them for $350 soon.

  24. Can I ask where's the output please?

    1. Lug number 2 of the volume pot goes to the output.

  25. Anyone got a schematic for the lizard king?

    1. Google "ehx lizard queen schematic" and among the top results should be one at FSB.

    2. That's the lizard queen though. I'm referring to the newest verison of the pedal, the Lizard King....

      It's modded for bass with a blend and a toggle that seems to alter the EQ emphasis and amount of compression.

    3. Ah, apologies! Lazy reading on my part. It doesn't look like anyone's traced the Lizard King yet, but my guess is that it's the same circuit with
      1) the 10u electro cap in the upper-left put on an SPDT switch instead of a pot.
      2) a really simple split & blend circuit tacked on.
      The above layout is small enough that you could easily fit both it and the Split 'n Blend layout linked below in a single enclosure:
      Just run the "send" wire to the Lizard Queen "In", and the "Return" wire from the Lizard Queen "Out".
