Monday 7 October 2019

Grind Custom Fx Ultra Stoner Mk. 2


  1. I built this one a while back and never really messed around with it until now, so I figured that I would comment on it. This one is pretty sweet. I’ve built a ton of muffs throughout the years, and this one is up there for sure. Very versatile, and it nails some tones that a regular muff just can’t. Every time I build a muff variant I tell myself that’s the last one, then I come across one that’s called the ultra stoner, uses BC109C’s, and has a doom switch. You almost have to build it!

    1. Yeah, I agree. Have built tons of muffs as well and this is one the five I regurlary use. It has its own distinctive voice for sure and the tonestack is really useful.

  2. Thanks for posting this!!! Built it two days ago and did not really care for it. The volume seemed a bit choked but I still boxed it since you were both hyping it up. Swapped out the BC109C's for 2N5088's and it sounded even more muted. Then I put some 2N2222A's and it came to life. Much louder and really great sustain. I can understand why it is in your top 5 rotation. Great pedal!!!
